Monday, June 28, 2010

Honor/ Reverance

As I sat on the couch this afternoon and watched country music pay great respect to George Strait for being the artist of the decade I was blown away at what it really means to show honor to someone. We live in a culture where paying respect, honor or showing reverence to someone is gone. Our hearts desire to love on someone is hindered by our pride and selfishness. Fear of what they or others will think if we sincerely pay them respect. If you stop and think about the people in your lives, your loved ones friends co-workers or boss, when was the last time you honored them. Truly humbled yourself and paid them respect for what they do or have done for you. When I was about 16 I was going into my junior year of high school and I started my first job. I made packaging material and man it was the coolest job in the world. There was a man there named Stan Ellson who was retired from working a life at Ailing Corey. He helped his son run the business EEECO North Inc. Well Stan invested life into me. He showed the importance of showing up to work on time and working hard when you get there. Not just showing up at the time your suppose to punch the clock but what being punctual really meant. He helped instill learning and the importance of education. Honoring your parents and being respectful. He reinforced the importance of looking a man in the eye when you talked to them and using your smile. Among many other things I learned that summer it helped turn my life around. Your parents teach you these things but often times they get over looked. Well I have adhered to many things Stan taught me that summer and have had the privilege to pass them on to others in my day. The thing I think about most is I don't believe I've ever truly thanked Stan. Words whether or not we realize have the ability to breathe life into those that desperately need them. Think on how important it is to you when someone gives you words of encouragement or someone honors you. How powerful it is when someone belittles or hurts you by there words. Seek to change the atmosphere around you by the words you speak and the life you breathe. Who can you show reverence to, don't hold back the power God has given you to honor those around you. Tomorrow may be to late.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

the doors were opened....

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty who was and is and is to come who reigns from on high and sits on his throne brought freedom to me who had been captured this day. Entangled in sin and shame destruction and pain the Lord brought freedom because I was willing to Praise his name. With the struggle of being barely 30 and recognizing that drinking was gripping me and carrying me down a path of destruction that has not only plagued me but those so close to me I surrendered. Pastor said those of you who want to be free this day come forward to the altar and receive prayer. Let the Lord deal with you and your struggle I ran. So eager to get to the altar and pour out my heart and lay down this heavy burden I let go. Crying out for mercy and healing I gave up trying to control something that controlled me I surrendered. Partly uncertain if the Lord was going to take this from me again, partly doubting if I was truly ready to give it up I trusted with what little faith I had and let go. Wavering like a ship in the sea I trusted, I got up that day not being the same man I was when I arrived at church. I felt the beginning of freedom that I longed for releasing the struggle that bound me for too long. The prison doors of my heart were opened for healing, trust and mercy that I closed off to you oh Lord. Lord it feels so good to let go of the baggage I have been carrying around, my load feels lighter today, the struggle and desires go away each day I choose to follow you. It's not easy, some days I want to turn to whats comfortable but I know you are bigger, you are bigger, you are bigger. Oh God how big you are to set me free, I don't deserve your unconditional love, I don't deserve your mercy, nor your grace. But today I know that you are God, today I have experienced, I have tasted and seen that you are good. Your mercy endures forever.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Before it's too late....

Before it's too late we need to say I love you more often. We are not promised tomorrow and to often we let today cruise by. We think that our friends and family will still be just a phone call away or a quick flight into town. The reality is death comes quicker than we think. The moments of life fly by, the I'm sorry never comes. The pride of life sticks up taller than the Empire State Building. It's easier to hit the ignore button on our phones to the person who just wants to hear our voice then pick up because we know they need something from us. Our selfish pride keeps us from honoring our mothers and fathers the way they deserve. Some may say they don't deserve it, but you do. It's a commandment from the Lord. Honor thy mother and father. We don't always deserve the grace that was freely poured out but it is never ending. The day is coming quick when the phone will no longer ring and we sit there with a pocket full of I Wish I Could....Hug the one I love with out saying a word because her hugs make me melt, kiss my wife just one more time, because her lips are like honey, cry on my momma's shoulder because it never turns me away, go fishing with my Dad because I hate to take the fish off and he always will, even the boot that comes up out of the Niagara, argue with my sister because I know she loves me too. Moments in life are what we are made of, some good some bad but we are full of moments. Some are hard to get rid of some we wish we had more of so before it's too late......

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

the beginning

There comes a time when fear and defeat can no longer hinder from reaching lifes dreams and potential. To live life without boundaries in a true freedom lies on the other side of fear. Fear of failure and disappointment have gripped not only me but many in this world around me. It has crippled me for to long from stepping out and moving into my passion and purpose. Afraid of what others might think or how they would react is contrary to walking in the truth. Walking in the truth is the only way to step outside of fear and walk into pefect love. When I was a child I feared letting my father down. I knew that through the love of sports I in return received love. I believed that happiness and love was conditional. Not unconditional like that of my heavenly father. So through out the years I have not only learned to love conditionaly but to receive love much in the same way. Fear of rejection and not living up to the invisible standard that life throws are way has caused me to inessence love with half my heart. With only half a heart to love with does not leave much room to grow. So through healing and divine encounters with Christ it is possible to have a whole heart. To love more passionatly and to live a life aside from fear. Aside from the fear of disappointment or rejection. This possibility is no longer a dream or thought but reality. I have lived and known the one true Christ, who heals, and rebuilds that which is broken. He not only heals but is a God of restoration, and conquers all fear.