Friday, June 18, 2010

Before it's too late....

Before it's too late we need to say I love you more often. We are not promised tomorrow and to often we let today cruise by. We think that our friends and family will still be just a phone call away or a quick flight into town. The reality is death comes quicker than we think. The moments of life fly by, the I'm sorry never comes. The pride of life sticks up taller than the Empire State Building. It's easier to hit the ignore button on our phones to the person who just wants to hear our voice then pick up because we know they need something from us. Our selfish pride keeps us from honoring our mothers and fathers the way they deserve. Some may say they don't deserve it, but you do. It's a commandment from the Lord. Honor thy mother and father. We don't always deserve the grace that was freely poured out but it is never ending. The day is coming quick when the phone will no longer ring and we sit there with a pocket full of I Wish I Could....Hug the one I love with out saying a word because her hugs make me melt, kiss my wife just one more time, because her lips are like honey, cry on my momma's shoulder because it never turns me away, go fishing with my Dad because I hate to take the fish off and he always will, even the boot that comes up out of the Niagara, argue with my sister because I know she loves me too. Moments in life are what we are made of, some good some bad but we are full of moments. Some are hard to get rid of some we wish we had more of so before it's too late......

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