Thursday, June 24, 2010

the doors were opened....

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty who was and is and is to come who reigns from on high and sits on his throne brought freedom to me who had been captured this day. Entangled in sin and shame destruction and pain the Lord brought freedom because I was willing to Praise his name. With the struggle of being barely 30 and recognizing that drinking was gripping me and carrying me down a path of destruction that has not only plagued me but those so close to me I surrendered. Pastor said those of you who want to be free this day come forward to the altar and receive prayer. Let the Lord deal with you and your struggle I ran. So eager to get to the altar and pour out my heart and lay down this heavy burden I let go. Crying out for mercy and healing I gave up trying to control something that controlled me I surrendered. Partly uncertain if the Lord was going to take this from me again, partly doubting if I was truly ready to give it up I trusted with what little faith I had and let go. Wavering like a ship in the sea I trusted, I got up that day not being the same man I was when I arrived at church. I felt the beginning of freedom that I longed for releasing the struggle that bound me for too long. The prison doors of my heart were opened for healing, trust and mercy that I closed off to you oh Lord. Lord it feels so good to let go of the baggage I have been carrying around, my load feels lighter today, the struggle and desires go away each day I choose to follow you. It's not easy, some days I want to turn to whats comfortable but I know you are bigger, you are bigger, you are bigger. Oh God how big you are to set me free, I don't deserve your unconditional love, I don't deserve your mercy, nor your grace. But today I know that you are God, today I have experienced, I have tasted and seen that you are good. Your mercy endures forever.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Luke. That was awesome, and I am so glad that you have found the comfort and strength you were searching for. I wish you the best and hope that you continue on this path.
    Love you both!
